28.08.2024 37229

About University

This year Uman National University of Horticulture will celebrate the 175th anniversary of its establishment. Nowadays thanks to the joint work of the great family of the university, it is a renowned agricultural educational institution with rich traditions, unique history and a desire to conquer new heights and to be one of the best agricultural higher educational institutions of the country.

Its history goes back to 1844, when the only in the Russian Empire Main School of Gardening was founded. Since the establishment of the educational institution the agriculture has received more than 40 thousand highly qualified specialists, including 32 academicians, 700 Doctors of Sciences and more than two thousand Candidates of Sciences. Among them 23 were awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor, and O.N. Parubok and L.Y. Shlifer were honored with this award twice, the Hero of the Soviet Union Y.K Glibko, Heroes of Ukraine O.S. Maselskyy and L.G. Yakovyshyn, Deputies of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, many well-known statesmen, business executives and professionals.

Now more than 6000 students are studying at six faculties. There are 13 under-graduate degree programs and 19 specialties. 350 members of the teaching staff, including 32 Doctors, Professors and 235 Candidates of Sciences, 150 Associate Professors, provide the learning process. The Institute for Post-diploma Education and Consulting  provides retraining of specialists and consultation services to agricultural producers.

In order to improve the quality of training specialists for agriculture on the basis of our university the Regional University Center was founded. It combines seven educational establishments of I-II levels of accreditation in Cherkassy region. Now over 13 thousand students are studying at the Center.

The university has a post-graduate course (18 majors) and the institution for doctoral candidacy (7 majors), two specialized academic councils for doctoral and candidate’s thesis defence. On the bases of the University are published: Collection of scientific papers of uman NUH, Bulletin of Uman NUH, collections of scientific papers of young scientists and students' scientific papers, materials of conferences, journal ' Horticultural News', and others. There is a modern scientific library with reading rooms for 220 seats and book depository of 500 thousand volumes of educational, scientific and literary works.

In order to unite the scientific potential of the region, to coordinate research work and to improve practical training of students Training Scientific and Production Complex was created. It consists of the Institute of pomology named after L.Symyrenko of NAASU, Institute of root crops of NAASU, National dendrological park "Sofiyivka" of NASU, Uman Greenhouse, SC "Uman forestry", JSC "Umanfermmash", SC "Illich-Agro-Uman," the best agricultural enterprises in the region, as well as Training Scientific and Production Department of the university, which has 1060 hectares of land, experimental fields, experimental orchards, experimental vegetable plots, forest, nursery, greenhouses, hothouse complex, refrigerator with modern facilities for the storage of fruit, production departments for processing fruit, vegetables and grain.

Uman National University of Horticulture won the first prize at the contest for the best experimental field, which was conducted by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine among agricultural universities of III-IV accreditation levels.

In our university under the guidance of well-known scholars educational research schools work successfully according to the research program for 2011-2015, registered in the National Center for Scientific, Technical and Economic Integration and in the research areas "Biology", "Technology",  "Economics of growing and processing fruit, vegetables and field crops" according to the requirements of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

The Center of culture and education coordinates extracurricular activities at the university, develops and implements new trends of development and improvement of students’ extracurricular activities. Seven creative teams were awarded the honorary title "People’s" for high artistic skill and professionalism.

The University is a co-organizer and a permanent member of All-Ukrainian art festival "Sofiivski Zori", which is held among creative teams of agrarian higher educational establishments. People’s amateur group “Nyvka” of Uman National University of Horticulture won the Grand Prix in the subgenre "National choreography" in 2013. Significant event for university art teams was their performance in the National Palace of Arts "Ukraine" at the celebration of Agricultural Workers’ Day.

Much attention is paid to physical education of students. Every year more than 150 sports events take place, involving more than 6.5 thousand students. The University is a base for training the National team of Ukraine for international championships in table tennis and other sports.

University develops cooperation with national institutions and universities around the world. It maintains business relationship with universities in Poland, USA, France, Denmark, Czech Republic and others. Every year lecturers and students have training in the U.S., France, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Poland and Thailand. Uman NUH is a member of World Association of Universities Magna Charta and International Association of Scientific Horticulture.

Scientific practical seminar "High technologies - in horticulture" initiated by the university plays an important role in the development of domestic and international horticulture. It has been held for 27 years in succession. Each time about 400 horticulturists, both researchers and practitioners from different countries attend this seminar and consider the ways of improving technologies and introducing achievements of the modern science in horticulture.

Uman National University of Horticulture is a regular participant of international, national, regional and local exhibitions of scientific and educational achievements.

Owing to the hard work of the collective, University achieved significant results, for which he was appreciated with many awards.

At present University's activity is being aimed at improvement of professional skills, intensification of research, support of agricultural production, which correspond to social and economic reforms in our country.

Address: 20301, Cherkasy Region, Uman, 1 Instytutska str.

Tel. (04744) 3-20-11, tel/fax: (04744) 3-20-41

E-mail: udau@udau.edu.ua