26.04.2019 23040

History of the University Development

On the picturesque outskirt of the town of Uman, near the famous ancient dendrological park “Sofievka” is situated one of the oldest universities of Ukraine - Uman National University of Horticulture. It was founded in 1844 in Odessa as the Main School of Horticulture, the task of which h was to prepare highly skilled gardeners and experienced researchers in the field of horticulture. At that time it was the only supreme institution in the country of this direction. Over a long period of its historical development, institution was repeatedly reorganized and according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 28 December 2009 № 1111/ 2009 was granted status of national and renamed as Uman National University of Horticulture.

Main stages of development of Uman National University of Horticulture

Yers  Name
1844 - 1868
(1844 - 1854, Odesa)

Main School of Horticulture

Departments: higher - to train scientists foresters and gardeners; lower - to train practitioners in these fields

1868 - 1921

Uman School of Agriculture and Horticulture

 Departments: agriculture and horticulture

1921 - 1929

Uman Agricultural Polytechnic

Labor Faculty. Professional Schools: agronomic, horticultural. Talne Affiliate on the basis of which emerged Talne Agricultural Technical College

1929 - 1930

Uman Agricultural Institute

Faculties: agronomic and horticultural

1930 - 1931

Uman Horticultural Institute

Faculties: horticulture and olericulture. Refresher courses. Department of distance learning

1931 - 1934

Uman Institute of Fruits and Berries

Faculties: of fruits and berries and technological. Postgraduate study. Stronghold of the Southern Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Farm

1934 - 1936

Uman Fruit and Vegetable Institute

Departments: horticulture and vegetable growing

1936 - 1996

Uman Agricultural Institute

Faculties: agronomic, fruit and vegetable, agro-pedagogical, economic, advanced training, distance learning, public professions, preparatory department

1996 - 2000

Uman Agricultural Academy

Faculties: agronomic, horticulture and viticulture, management, economics and entrepreneurship, postgraduate education, distance learning, culture and upbringing, preparatory department

2000 - 2003

Uman State Agrarian Academy

Faculties: agronomic, horticulture and viticulture, management, economics and entrepreneurship, postgraduate education, distance learning, culture and upbringing, preparatory department

2003 - 2006

Uman State Agrarian University

Faculties: agronomic, horticulture and viticulture, management, economics and entrepreneurship, distance learning, culture and upbringing, pre-university training, institute of postgraduate education

since 2006

Faculties: of agronomy, horticulture and forestry, food technology and engineering, management, economics and entrepreneurship, department of pre-university training, center of culture and education, institute of postgraduate education and counseling

since December 2009 Uman National University of Horticulture