26.07.2021 25196



Specialty 205 "Forestry" - sustainable and promising profession in Ukraine, where the forest industry is one of those that continually produce without the influence of internal and external economic and political factors.

The issue of increasing the forest cover of the state is included in the priority directions of development of the forestry industry. Therefore, ensuring extensive forest reproduction and creating new forest plantations in excess of their deforestation is one of the main tasks of foresters in Ukraine. Against this background, there is an increasing demand for young, professionally trained forestry professionals, who will always be indispensable for the conservation and management of forests.

The role of forests in maintaining the stability of the biosphere is now widely recognized. Only forests, among other natural complexes, have the maximum property of environmental restoration. And they are regarded as one of the decisive factors for ensuring the vitality of society and as an important link in the system of sustainable development.

Nowadays, Ukrainian forestry is one of the most efficient branches of production that grows, restores, protects forests, increases their productivity and quality, ensures the rational use of forest land and forest resources of the country. This is one of the few areas of activity that, despite the recent events and economic difficulties in the country, demonstrates the growth of economic indicators, becoming a stable source of replenishment of state and local budgets.

Graduates of the Department of Forestry during the training are fully prepared for production, management, project and research activities in forestry. That is why companies, enterprises and institutes of forestry, institutions and organizations of environmental protection, educational establishments, project groups, laboratories at forestry enterprises, become the places of their employment.

So if you love nature and are worried about the future of generations, then it is up to us! Specialty 205 "Forestry" - the choice of a conscious person!