17.06.2021 3240

Ambitious and confident students choose the specialties of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship!

The Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship of Uman National University of Horticulture is generally known as the center of activity of persistent, talented, highly intelligent and self-sufficient students. And this is quite logical, because only the purposeful can master the subtleties of economics.

Economic specialties, to the study of which the faculty invites entrants, always top the lists of requests from employers. This is not just interesting knowledge acquired by mankind through numerous trials and errors, which are improving today. At the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship it is a skillful and balanced combination of theoretical aspects, practical part and scientific free-thinking. And all these components are the undisputed secret of the success of faculty graduates.

This year the faculty invites entrants to study for junior bachelor's and bachelor's degrees in the following current specialties:

External Evaluation Certificates for participation in the competition for the degree of “Junior Bachelor”
External Evaluation Certificates for participation in the competition for the degree of “Junior Bachelor”

Six specialties are six aspects of the modern economic system. Each of them is a separate world of interesting patterns; combination of logic, science and non-standard solutions. And each specialty provides students with a full range of powerful knowledge and skills necessary for successful practical activities.

  • 051 "Economics" – a specialty of inquisitive intellectuals who clearly understand that economic processes - is primarily a consequence of the laws of established laws: mathematics, nature, human interaction with the environment in order to conduct profitable activities. All the details of economics are known to the graduates of the department: https://ket.udau.edu.ua/.

Ambitious and confident students choose the specialties of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship!
Ambitious and confident students choose the specialties of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship!

Meeting of the student scientific circle of the Department of Economics
Meeting of the student scientific circle of the Department of Economics

  • 071 "Accounting and Taxation" – a mysterious whirlpool of numbers, which is lined up in the skilled hands of specialists in this specialty in clear and understandable facts. Encrypted measurement of any enterprise, information available only to the highly educated and pragmatic, sedentary and persistent – that is how you can describe this specialty. Teachers of the graduating department pass on all the subtleties of the profession to their students: https://oblik.udau.edu.ua/

Practical lesson on accounting
Practical lesson on accounting

Professor Tamara Kucherenko conducts a practical lesson on the subject "Enterprise Reporting"
Professor Tamara Kucherenko conducts a practical lesson on the subject "Enterprise Reporting"

  • 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" – a familiar and at the same time unknown world of financial flows, where familiar and everyday money takes new forms. The correct distribution of resources and forces, a harmonious combination of known financial truths and new solutions, the ability to find a way out of even a hopeless situation – this specialty gives a clear understanding of all financial and economic patterns, forms useful cash flow management skills, outlines the understanding of causation-economic phenomena. This and many other necessary and relevant knowledge is shared with smart, active, persistent, talented and non-standard thinking students of the specialty scientific and pedagogical staff of the professional department: https://finance.udau.edu.ua/

Professional training for students majoring in "Finance, Banking and Insurance"
Professional training for students majoring in "Finance, Banking and Insurance"

Discussion of key issues in financial management for masters of 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" is conducted by Professor Olena Nepochatenko
Discussion of key issues in financial management for masters of 072 "Finance, Banking and Insurance" is conducted by Professor Olena Nepochatenko

  • 075 "Marketing" – the ability to understand the needs of mankind, assess the relevance of its requests and provide a timely offer, which is simply impossible to refuse. These are the main aspects of the activity of a specialist in this specialty, which can be mastered by creative, talented, inquisitive, open to communication and search for non-standard solutions individuals. And the staff of the professional department helps in this: https://marketing.udau.edu.ua/

Students majoring in "Marketing" at the exhibition of advertising
Students majoring in "Marketing" at the exhibition of advertising

The final stage of the celebration of Marketing Day
The final stage of the celebration of Marketing Day

  • 076 "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities" –  risk, own business, stock, currency, commodity exchanges - words that are relatively new to the ear of the average Ukrainian. But not for a specialist in this specialty! After all, he has a dream – his own business, for which he is ready for extraordinary decisions. But only under conditions of acceptable level of danger and favorable economic moment. And all the nuances of this complex specialty will be told in detail at the profile department: https://economics.udau.edu.ua/ua/abiturientu/specialnosti.html

Psychological training for students majoring in "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities"
Psychological training for students majoring in "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities"

Defense of master's theses of the specialty "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities"
Defense of master's theses of the specialty "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities"

  • 122 "Computer Science" – the most modern specialty, mastering which makes you feel like the master of the virtual world. Interesting new programming languages, complex problems, the variability of the situation multiplied by a clear logic – these are the features of the specialty, which is chosen by confident logicians and mathematicians. And the staff of the graduating department helps to master the hidden and obvious nuances of the profession: https://ekis.udau.edu.ua/

Dedication to freshmen of students majoring in "Computer Science"
Dedication to freshmen of students majoring in "Computer Science"

Educational everyday life of students majoring in "Computer Science"
Educational everyday life of students majoring in "Computer Science"

The Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship works closely with employers, taking into account their requirements in educational activities. Therefore, training is carried out not only using modern techniques and technical means, but also taking into account the needs of the modern labor market. An essential and important component is practical training, during which students have the opportunity to test their knowledge in the role of a young specialist. And at the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship is an extremely powerful center of student government, through which young people acquire the ability to work in a team, take responsibility, master the art of time management.

Why the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship?

Mastering the specialty of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship, you get:

PRACTICALITY AND PROFESSIONALITY – cooperation with the team of teachers with experience of specialized practical activities and constantly updated in accordance with the requirements of the labor market educational programs; PERSPECTIVE – more than 80% of our graduates work in their specialty or related economic specialties or are successfully engaged in their own business; COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT – we support our students in their endeavors and striving to improve; LEARNING IN A CONVENIENT FORMAT – the possibility of parallel education in two specialties at once and distance learning methods online at a time convenient for the student.

Mandatory set of documents!

originals and copies of the document on the educational degree and the appendix to it; military ID or registration certificate (for conscripts); originals and copies of external independent evaluation certificates; a copy of an identity document; registration number of the taxpayer's account card; four color photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm (4 pieces); certificate of registration of residence of the person.

We are waiting for you!

Guaranteed admission to the university provided if you choose priority № 1!

Find out more information about joining the Uman National University of Horticulture Admissions Committee website.