26.04.2019 1814

And in the great new family, The family of the free...

2014 – is the year of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Ukrainian poet, artist Taras Shevchenko. We are proud of the history of our country, our nation. And Taras Shevchenko - is a personality, a genius, who is known all over the world.

Within the framework of activities dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko we, the students of the Faculty of Management, on the 19th of October  this year visited Literary Memorial House-Museum of Taras Shevchenko in Kyiv.

It is an oasis of limitless love to the Motherland, of strong willpower and spirit. Even through years we felt the unity of generations. Embroidered towels on the walls, paintings, household items embarrassed feelings. Because this is our  history expressed by embroidered towels, wood carving on the house and by proud glance of Shevchenko on the pedestal.

And in the great new family,  The family of the free...
And in the great new family, The family of the free...

Our respect and love to the Ukrainian genius – is a memory of him through time, years. As long as we honor the past, we have a future.