26.04.2019 4355

Miss University 2013

On March 26 the traditional contest "Miss University 2013" was held on the initiative of the student government in the assembly hall of Uman National University of Horticulture.
Every year the goal of the contest is not only to choose the most charming participant, but also to involve the youth in creative work.

This year's contest was supported by the university administration, project sponsors private company Umangas, company Lambre, travel agency Siesta.

Each of 12 lovely finalists was charming, unique and original.
During the contest the participants showed natural beauty, active lifestyle and purposefulness.


Miss University 2013
Miss University 2013

The audience admired authentic talents of the participants, such as charming singing, sincere poetry, humorous miniatures and amazing dancing.

Miss University 2013
Miss University 2013

The beauties showed erudition while answering questions of the presenters, and in final part they impressed everyone with their look in cocktail and evening dresses.


Miss University 2013
Miss University 2013

The real surprise for the audience was the performance of the singer Volodymyr Troyan.

Miss University 2013
Miss University 2013

The jury consisting of a chairman V.G. Melnyk, Chairman of the Board of Umangas, P.V.Kyrylyuk, director of cosmetics line of the company Lambre, N.P.Petrichenko, chief specialist of Culture and Tourism department of Uman Town Council, V.G.Troyan, director of town House of Culture, I.I.Mostovyak, pro-rector of the University, Y.V.Melnyk, deputy chairman of the student government chose the best participant.

Miss University 2013
Miss University 2013


Student of the faculty of Fruit and Vegetable Growing, Ecology and Plant Protection Aliona Makarenko became Miss University 2013.

Miss University 2013
Miss University 2013