26.04.2019 2310

Scientific and organizational basis for adaptive arable farming in agro-industrial complex of Cherkasy region during spring field work in 2013

On February 15, 2013, scientific and practical seminar “Scientific and organizational basis for adaptive arable farming in agro-industrial complex of Cherkasy region during the spring field work in 2013” was held at Uman National University. In the assembly hall there were 350 participants, among them deputy heads of district administrations regarding agro-industrial complex, directors of departments of agro-industrial development of the district administrations, specialists of agronomy and engineering services, heads and specialists of inspections and departments related to agro-industrial development .

Scientific and organizational basis for adaptive arable farming in agro-industrial complex of Cherkasy region during spring field work in 2013
Scientific and organizational basis for adaptive arable farming in agro-industrial complex of Cherkasy region during spring field work in 2013

Deputy Head of Regional State Administration Anatoliy Ivashkevich said the opening speech and thanked the organizers of the seminar: rector of Uman National University of Horticulture, Doctor of Economics, Professor Olena Nepochatenko, Head of Central administrative board for agro-industrial development of regional state administration Vadym Rudyshyn and head of Uman district administration Anatoliy Petrenko.

Anatoly Ivashkevich also noted that it was Cherkassy region that was recognized the best among other regions in agro-industrial comlex.
The head of Uman district administration Anatoly Petrenko made the report and pointed out the agro-industrial direction of Uman district, where there are 36 major commodity businesses, agricultural households collect gross yield more than 300 000 tons, lands were fertilized at 100%, and that the district has the lowest percentage of unemployment. The speaker stressed that roads were actively being restored in Uman district. At the end of his speech Anatoly Petrenko offered to share the experience with other households.

Scientific and organizational basis for adaptive arable farming in agro-industrial complex of Cherkasy region during spring field work in 2013
Scientific and organizational basis for adaptive arable farming in agro-industrial complex of Cherkasy region during spring field work in 2013

Rector of Uman National University of Horticulture Olena Nepochatenko sincerely welcomed all the participants and briefly acquainted them with the history of the University and its departments and added that the university is pride of Cherkasy region. In her report Olena Nepochatenko said that the student had all necessary facilities for their studies, powerful material base, classrooms, labs, computer labs with internet access and a modern research library. Students have the opportunity to get the second higher education.

Scientific and organizational basis for adaptive arable farming in agro-industrial complex of Cherkasy region during spring field work in 2013
Scientific and organizational basis for adaptive arable farming in agro-industrial complex of Cherkasy region during spring field work in 2013

The next report was made by Head of Central administrative board for agro-industrial development of regional state administration Vadym Rudyshyn, who noted that districts of Cherkasy region ranked first in the development of crop production and livestock farming.

Scientific and organizational basis for adaptive arable farming in agro-industrial complex of Cherkasy region during spring field work in 2013
Scientific and organizational basis for adaptive arable farming in agro-industrial complex of Cherkasy region during spring field work in 2013