16.06.2015 2356

New horizons of cooperation of the Faculty of Management in the European educational space

The Chair in Maritime Business and Logistics (University of Bremen, Germany) and the Management of Foreign Economic Activity and Logistics (Uman National University of Horticulture) launched the first working meeting on the 13th of June at the Faculty of Management in Uman, Ukraine. Since its foundation in 1994, the Chair in Maritime Business and Logistics at the University of Bremen pursues the goal to conduct interdisciplinary, project- and practical educational and research projects with a focus on internationalization of research and teaching. This is why the Chair in Maritime Business and Logistics is always anxious to find world-wide partner universities and to build up and improve cooperations.

New horizons of cooperation of the Faculty of Management in the European educational space
New horizons of cooperation of the Faculty of Management in the European educational space

The Uman National University of Horticulture has more than 6000 students are studying at six faculties. There are 13 under-graduate degree programs and 19 specialties. 350 members of the teaching staff, including 32 Doctors, Professors and 235 Candidates of Sciences, 150 Associate Professors, provide the learning process. The university has a post-graduate course (19 majors) and the institution for doctoral candidacy (8 majors), three specialized academic councils for doctoral and candidate’s thesis defence. University develops cooperation with national institutions and universities around the world. It maintains business relationship with universities in Poland, Russia, USA, France, Denmark, Czech Republic, China, Uzbekistan, Belarus and others. Every year lecturers and students have training in the U.S., France, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Poland and Thailand. Uman NUH is a member of World Association of Universities Magna Charta and International Association of Scientific Horticulture.

New horizons of cooperation of the Faculty of Management in the European educational space
New horizons of cooperation of the Faculty of Management in the European educational space

Represented by Prof. Dr. Irina Dovbischuk from German side and Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Shkolnyi, Dean of the Faculty Nataliia Verniuk, Nataliia Petrenko and Inna Novak from Ukrainian side the meeting was devoted to future ways of collaboration in education and research in the framework of actual funding programs of Federal Ministry of Education and Research from German and the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, Horizont 2020, and the German Academic Exchange Service. As the result of the meeting both sides will sign the first cooperation agreement, and will apply for one selected call for proposals for cooperation in education of the German Academic Exchange Service together with the consortia of selected Ukrainian universities in Kiew and Odessa.