01.09.2016 2048

In the Heart Lived Homeland: the 25th Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine

Memories of the first lecture at the University are for everyone who at one time studied at the University. The excitement before the first meeting with the teacher, meeting new friends in the audience, thinking about the future student's life – all this is familiar to nearly everyone who was a student.

1 September, Uman national University of horticulture in room №170 hosted the first lecture in the new academic year. The theme of the lecture was "in the heart of the lived homeland: the 25th anniversary of independence of Ukraine", – was chosen by chance, because this year our country is celebrating 25 anniversary of independence. The share of our young state has had a lot of challenges and that the student has the ability and all the prospects to build a strong, enduring state that is moving forward despite the adversity and difficulties.

The lecture started with the national Anthem of Ukraine. During its implementation, particular attention was paid to the history of the Ukrainian state, the development and strengthening of the state, history of the state symbols of Ukraine. Use historical materials to the 400th anniversary of the first written mention of the city of Uman and the history of the University.

In the Heart Lived Homeland: the 25th Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine
In the Heart Lived Homeland: the 25th Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine

Prepared and held a lecture Professor of the chair of social-humanitarian and legal disciplines – Ivan Paholchyk.

In the Heart Lived Homeland: the 25th Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine
In the Heart Lived Homeland: the 25th Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine

The students listened attentively to the teacher, outlined important information. And even the air in the auditorium was full of patriotism and invincibility of the spirit of the young generation of Ukrainians.

In the Heart Lived Homeland: the 25th Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine
In the Heart Lived Homeland: the 25th Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine