17.06.2021 4289

The Faculty of Forestry and Horticulture invites you to study!

The main task of the Faculty of Forestry and Horticulture is to train highly qualified specialists who organically combine a high level of fundamental theoretical training with the most modern practical methods and production technologies and are harmoniously developed individuals with a high level of general culture. After all, only a harmonious, educated person can make the world around him beautiful! An important activity of the faculty is to conduct basic research, development of new technologies and their implementation in the educational process and production. The basis for the scientific work of staff, graduate students and students are forest lands, park areas and research gardens of the university. Students receive modern education using computer technology, multimedia, distance learning.

In 2021, the Faculty of Forestry and Horticulture will train specialists in demand in the labor market in the following specialties:

External Evaluation Certificates for participation in the competition for the degree of “Junior Bachelor”
External Evaluation Certificates for participation in the competition for the degree of “Junior Bachelor”

Specialty 193 "Geodesy and Land Management" provides thorough training that will form a professional approach to the creation of automated cadastral information systems, information systems and technologies, design and implementation of land management works related to land use and land monitoring.

Practical lesson on the subject "Electronic geodetic instruments"
Practical lesson on the subject "Electronic geodetic instruments"

Specialists in geodesy and land management today are most in demand in those sectors of the economy where there is a need for a permanent solution to land and property issues: agriculture, construction, transport, military, telecommunications and energy, mining and more. In addition, the field of geodesy and land management is undergoing incredibly rapid technological changes and is a platform for testing a huge number of innovative solutions.

Participation of faculty students in the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Geodesy and Land Management
Participation of faculty students in the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Geodesy and Land Management

Specialty 205 "Forestry" combines technologies and means of mechanization and ensuring expanded reproduction of forests, ie the creation of new forest plantations in excess of their felling. Therefore, the care and distribution of forest plantations, their protection and rational use – the main tasks of the graduate of this specialty. And the key feature of the specialist is a commitment and love for nature, forests and the environment, a high level of environmental thinking and awareness.

Dedication to first-year students of the Faculty of Forestry and Horticulture
Dedication to first-year students of the Faculty of Forestry and Horticulture

The places of employment of specialists in the specialty are companies, enterprises and scientific organizations in the field of forestry, educational institutions, project groups, laboratories at forest enterprises, etc. Among the professional responsibilities of graduates of the specialty - the ability to manage businesses, services, departments, divisions, staff, to carry out training of workers.

Participation of a faculty student in the Northern European Regional Congress of Forestry Students
Participation of a faculty student in the Northern European Regional Congress of Forestry Students

Specialty 206 "Landscape gardening" will allow you to master the profession, which carries the art of creating ornamental gardens, parks, areas of greenery, designed to aesthetically improve the landscape and recreation. Specialists of horticulture carry out the honorable mission of solving environmental problems of cities and settlements, improving the health of the population of the state and educating creative people.

Industrial practice of students of the faculty in the greenhouse complex
Industrial practice of students of the faculty in the greenhouse complex

The main features of a specialist are: the ability to see beauty in simple things; figurative thinking, creativity and imagination; ability to preserve and increase the acquisition of scientific and practical base; unconventional view of the object of work or creative activity; ability to predict, see the object in implementation, in perspective; ability to be flexible, listen and hear customer requests; have a creative approach to tasks; generating ideas; perseverance; industry; ability to work in a team; desire to preserve the environment.

Graduation of masters of specialty 206 "Horticulture"
Graduation of masters of specialty 206 "Horticulture"

Why choose us?


Specialties of the Faculty of Forestry and Horticulture of Uman National University of Horticulture are:

  • PERSPECTIVE – the possibility of internship at the best companies, organizations in Ukraine and abroad with further employment;
  • PRESTIGE – modern knowledge that increases the value of our specialists in the labor market;
  • LEARNING IN A CONVENIENT FORMAT – the possibility of parallel education in two specialties at once and distance learning methods online at a time convenient for the student.

Mandatory set of documents!

  • originals and copies of the document on the educational degree and the appendix to it;
  • military ID or registration certificate (for conscripts);
  • originals and copies of external independent evaluation certificates;
  • a copy of an identity document;
  • registration number of the taxpayer's account card;
  • four color photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm (4 pieces);
  • certificate of registration of residence of the person.

We are waiting for you!

Guaranteed admission to the university provided if you choose priority № 1!

Find out more information about joining the Uman National University of Horticulture Admissions Committee website.