17.06.2021 3196

The Faculty of Management is open to purposeful and creative people!

The Faculty of Management can rightly be considered a home for anyone who thinks outside the box, but understands the causal links of management decisions. Together with students, faculty members create a model of modern society that learns to overcome obstacles through balanced action. During the study, students master various subjects in a relaxed and interesting way, using innovative methods of education, realize their creative and sporting potential.

In 2021, admission to the Uman National University of Horticulture at the Faculty of Management will be carried out in the following specialties:

The Faculty of Management is open to purposeful and creative people!
The Faculty of Management is open to purposeful and creative people!

Educational programs in each specialty meet the needs of modern employers and provide a high level of training for young professionals.

  • "Management" – a specialty that combines the ability to communicate, rational thinking, deep knowledge of phenomena and processes and a subtle knowledge of psychology. This combination of diverse knowledge will help to solve the most difficult production situations.

Competition "Manager – my future profession"
Competition "Manager – my future profession"

  • "Public management and administration" – the field of activity of highly professional specialists who are able to apply modern approaches and methods to management in various fields of activity, including – decision-making using modern management tools.

Section meeting of the scientific conference
Section meeting of the scientific conference

  • "Hotel and restaurant business" – a specialty that involves a combination of modern knowledge, psychology of communication and constant renewal of skills. This profession will appeal to everyone who wants to learn the secrets of organizing and running a hotel business, for whom cooking is an emotional art of taste. And the most cherished dream is to open your own restaurant or hotel.

Technology of cooking famous French cuisine
Technology of cooking famous French cuisine

  • "Tourism" – a specialty that daily expands the worldview and helps the specialist to combine the beautiful with the useful, and the basic knowledge gained during training may become key in the future not only for the specialist but for the whole country. After all, working in the field of tourism is a chance to get into a privileged world full of exotic travels, exciting events and vivid impressions, communication with interesting people, opportunities to see and get to know other countries.

Opening of the tourism week
Opening of the tourism week

  • "Law" – provides training in the field of legal education with broad access to employment and further education; ensuring the formation and development of general and professional qualities in the field of law.

Round table on "Respect for human rights as a factor of authority and stability of the state"
Round table on "Respect for human rights as a factor of authority and stability of the state"

  • "Germanic languages and literature, the first – English" – gives the opportunity to master at a high level all kinds of foreign language speech activities – listening, reading, speaking, writing, translation; students (Junior Bachelor) – to gain a thorough knowledge of philology and find promising jobs in state and commercial companies of any profile, including foreign ones.

"English Speaking Club" in Uman National University of Horticulture
"English Speaking Club" in Uman National University of Horticulture

The Faculty of Management conducts an active dialogue with employers, combining in the educational process elements of standard education with the latest techniques and technologies and practices in the production environment. This helps young people to acquire knowledge and outline clear professional priorities.


Why choose us?

Specialties at the Faculty of Management at Uman National University of Horticulture are:

  • DEMAND – specialists have the opportunity to get a job not only in the chosen specialty, but also in a wide range of professional areas;
  • EXPERIENCE – the opportunity to do internships at the best specialized enterprises and organizations both in Ukraine and abroad, including - with further employment;
  • MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF TIME – modern knowledge, multiplied by significant scientific developments, the latest bases for internships and research;
  • LEARNING IN A CONVENIENT FORMAT – the possibility of parallel education in two specialties at once and distance learning methods online at a time convenient for the student.

 Mandatory set of documents!

  • originals and copies of the document on the educational degree and the appendix to it;
  • military ID or registration certificate (for conscripts);
  • originals and copies of external independent evaluation certificates;
  • a copy of an identity document;
  • registration number of the taxpayer's account card;
  • four color photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm (4 pieces);
  • certificate of registration of residence of the person.

We are waiting for you!

Guaranteed admission to the university provided if you choose priority № 1!

Find out more information about joining the Uman National University of Horticulture Admissions Committee website.