14.09.2016 1759

Ukraine – Serbia: exchange of experiences

Scientists of Uman national University has long been actively cooperating with foreign colleagues not only in the field of exchange of scientific experience and industrial achievements.

This time Professor in the Department of agricultural chemistry and soil science Gregory Gospodarenko at the invitation of Serbian colleagues visited a plant on production of mineral fertilizers in Novi Sad and got acquainted with the production testing of new forms of fertilizers and techniques for their application.

Ukraine – Serbia: exchange of experiences
Ukraine – Serbia: exchange of experiences
Ukraine – Serbia: exchange of experiences
Ukraine – Serbia: exchange of experiences

During the meeting, scientists exchanged achievements and prospects for diagnostics of plant nutrition and efficient use of fertilizers. It is worth noting that the first batch microgranulated fertilizers from Serbia has already received for agricultural producers in Ukraine.

Ukraine – Serbia: exchange of experiences
Ukraine – Serbia: exchange of experiences
Ukraine – Serbia: exchange of experiences
Ukraine – Serbia: exchange of experiences

Now the issue of making domestic applicators for their introduction.

Sergey Prokopchuk, lecturer, of agricultural chemistry and soil science