26.04.2019 3497

A new textbook on Agrochemistry was published

Agrochemistry : textbook / G.M. Hospodarenko. – K.: Agricultural education, 2013. – 406 p. Edition 1000 copies.

Approved by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine as a textbook for students of agricultural institutions of higher education of I-II levels of accreditation of the specialty 5.09010103 “Production and processing of plant growing products” and 5.09010102 “Organization and technology of farming”.

The textbook covers the basics of plant nutrition, the characteristics and methods of usage of organic and mineral fertilizers are presented, chemical meliorants and bacterial preparations, achievements of agrochemistry on optimization of agrochemical parameters of the soil fertility indices, the use of fertilizers in crop rotation and fertilization of field, vegetable, fruit and other crops. Environmental aspects of agrochemistry and features of conducting agrochemical researches were considered.