26.04.2019 1855

Exhibition-requiem “Black years of Ukraine”

In the reading room of periodicals a thematic exhibition-requiem is acting “Black years of Ukraine”.

80 years ago, millions of sons and daughters of Ukraine, millions of innocent people, millions of our loved ones were exterminate by Great Famine.

Every citizen of Ukraine, every Ukrainian family bow their heads before the memory of the innocent victims: our parents, brothers and sisters. It is necessary for us, for present and future generation, for our unity and our belief in life.

Ukrainians, unite in word and in prayer for Ukraine, light a candle in each window.

It’s a sign of our memory.

It’s a sacred flame that will warm the souls of the victims.

This light is a purification for our future.

We invite you to visit the exhibition-requiem (сabinet №5, І floor).