06.09.2016 2365

Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students

Already traditional in the beginning of September was a meeting of the rector of Uman national University of horticulture with first-year students. Was no exception and the period of 2016-2017 school year: the family friendly College of Uman national University of horticulture was supplemented by the considerable number of students, but because the rector met young recruits on two consecutive days.

Traditionally the meeting was opened by the rector Olena Nepochatenko, which congratulated the freshmen with the fact that they became students of Uman national University of horticulture, spoke briefly about the composition and structure of the University, introduced all members of the administration.

Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students
Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students

Joined the congratulations of the rector and senior lecturer, Centre of culture and education of students Natalia Shapovalenko. She congratulated the freshmen with the beginning of a new stage in their lives and wished realization of creative abilities of students in the groups of the Center of culture and education. Also, Natalia said that upon completion of the course the student receive a certificate which grants the right to direct an Amateur creative team of the appropriate genre.

Uman national University of horticulture is famous for its sports achievements of its students. Lecturer, Department of physical education and psycho-pedagogical disciplines Natalya Grebenyuk spoke briefly about sports clubs operating in Uman national University of horticulture, and sports achievements of current and former students of our educational institutions.

Lecturer of the military Department Valery Tskitishvili familiarized the audience with the peculiarities of teaching in the Department, and noted that upon completion of training, the student receives the rank of Lieutenant of the Land forces of Ukraine.

Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students
Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students
Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students
Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students
Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students
Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students

Victoria Yumanchik, Chairman of the Board of the student government of the University, spoke about the Council's work and activities, with the assistance of student activists.

Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students
Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students
Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students
Rector's Meeting with First-Year Students

At the end of the meeting Elena again wished the students of the world, success, bright impressions of the training and encouraged the students to pay attention to the following issues:

  1. Learning, because it affects the future of the country and personal well-being;
  2. Respect for the material-technical base of University, for future generations of students also have to learn in good conditions;
  3. To participate in the cultural life of the University: - rounded graduates is the main priority activities of Uman national University of horticulture .

The press center of Uman National University of Horticulture