26.07.2021 18470

Accounting and Taxation

Accounting and Taxation
Accounting and Taxation

The specialty "Accounting and taxation" is one of the oldest among the specialties of economic profile. It is the quintessence of two powerful components - accounting and taxation - that will become a real delight for anyone who is entranced by the magical and intricate world of numbers and mathematical calculations. No wonder the classics argued that "accounting is the triumph of mathematics over reason."

Specialists of Accounting and Taxation Specialty of Uman National University of Horticulture are multifunctional employees, because modern accountant is not only engaged in accounting, but also performs a wide range of economic activities, including planning and decision making, control over compliance with payment and tax discipline, enterprise discipline and analysis of economic and financial activities.

Graduates of the specialty "Accounting and Taxation" have wide opportunities for employment in institutions, enterprises and organizations of state and other forms of ownership and management, tax administration bodies, in banking institutions and public services. Accountants value highly the versatility, that is, the ability to work in various directions (economy, finance, taxation, etc.).

Specialists in accounting and taxation have the following advantages:

  • Knowledge of business organization;
  • High demand in the labor market;
  • Prospects of employment in various spheres of economic activity;
  • Ability to rationally manage and make effective management decisions;
  • Mainly a normal working day.

Graduates of Uman National University, majoring in Accounting and Taxation, may hold the following positions:

  • Accountant (business, budget institution, bank, small business);
  • Cashier (enterprise, banking institution);
  • The auditor;
  • The head of the audit firm;
  • Private entrepreneur providing accounting and auditing services;
  • Economist-analyst;
  • Tax specialist;
  • Property valuation specialist and realtor;
  • Employee of the credit department of the bank;
  • The head of the enterprise or division;
  • Sales representative.

Who knows the language of numbers - he owns the world, who has chosen a specialty "Accounting and taxation" - confidently goes on life! Choose your confidence in tomorrow with Uman National University of Horticulture!