26.07.2021 17030


Economics is the science of efficient use of material, labor, financial resources, ways and methods of getting the enterprise the maximum possible profit at the lowest cost.

Over the years, we get aphorism, which states: "An economist is a man who knows more about money than he who has it." Therefore, at Uman National University of Horticulture, economics students thoroughly study the mechanism of operation of any company, regardless of its size (small business or large transnational corporation) and ownership.


Specialists in the specialty "Economics" organize the economic activity of a company that is competitive in the domestic and foreign markets, calculate the cost of production, make estimates, predict the financial and economic results of production and sales, and determine how to make the enterprise more efficient.

Graduates of the University majoring in Economics may hold the following positions:

  • Enterprise economist, chief specialist (institutions, organizations),
  • Head of the economic and financial department of the enterprise,
  • The head of the financial department of the district state administration,
  • Deputy Director for Economic Affairs,
  • Economist at a data center,
  • Auditor on production, technical and economic issues,
  • Expert-analyst on economic and financial issues,
  • Specialist in financial and economic security and business organization,
  • Advisor consultant on planning and organization of production activity,
  • Assistant to the head of the enterprise (institution, organization),
  • Head of the company or department.

Four-time US President Franklin Roosevelt said: "True personal freedom is not possible without economic security and independence," and therefore knowledge of the economy is the basis of this.


So if you want confidence and safety - choose the specialty "Economics" at Uman National University of Horticulture!
