26.04.2019 2598

Business Training “Tourist zoning of Ukraine”

What can be better than rest ...? Only a good rest! But a good rest can be not only abroad but also in Ukraine. About it told us the future specialists of the tourism sphere – first-year students of the Faculty of Management, specialty “Tourism” on business training “Recreational zoning of Ukraine”.

In the process of reporting, in details were discussed the prospective recreational areas of our country, places of interest and historical sights.

Business Training “Tourist zoning of Ukraine”
Business Training “Tourist zoning of Ukraine”
Business Training “Tourist zoning of Ukraine”
Business Training “Tourist zoning of Ukraine”
Business Training “Tourist zoning of Ukraine”
Business Training “Tourist zoning of Ukraine”

Students and lecturers of the Department of Managment of Foreign Economic Activity found out that the biggest sanatorial-resort and tourist district of Ukraine is Crimea. Every year it is visited by approximately 5 million people. In the Black Sea areas and Azov areas tourists attract warm sea, curative mud and mineral water. The Carpathian region is characterized by the big amount of sanatoriums (more than 150), which work on unique, healing mineral waters.

Today the priority task of recreational economy is accelerated development of infrastructure of sanatorial-resort and tourist economy, improving staffing support, development of new promising areas of treatment and “green” tourism.

In the end of the event was summarized that Ukraine has a real opportunity to become one of the leading travel country of Europe, with developed recreational economy of interstate significance.

Candidate of Economics,

Senior Lecturer of Department of

Managment of FEA Neshchadym Lyudmyla Mykolaivna