26.04.2019 2160

Combating the spread of AIDS: realities of today

December 1, 1998 on the initiative of the World Health Organization by the proclamation of social tolerance and expansion of the information exchange on HIV/AIDS, was drawn public attention to this problem. Nowadays, HIV disease is a kind of plague of XXI century, which ruthlessly mows millions of lives leaving a trail of lost hopes and expectations.

December 3, 2013 in the reading room of the library of Uman National University of Horticulture for the first-year students of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship by student government council of the faculty was organized a thematic educational event, which aims to expand the level of consciousness of the student.

In the participation in educational hour was involved a physician of cabinet “Trust” of Uman Municipal Hospital Petro Kovdyuk. During the event students could get acquainted with the problems of the disease not only in the region but also in the city.

Combating the spread of AIDS: realities of today
Combating the spread of AIDS: realities of today

According to the information cited by Petro Yakovych, in Europe the number of HIV-positive persons did not significantly increase, but on the territory of Ukraine as of 01.07.13, 35 thousand of 45 million of current population are infected with HIV. Across Europe these statistics are pretty high. The physician gave pessimistic and optimistic predictions for the future in the spread of disease unveiling the data, known by cabinet “Trust” about the state of disease level in the city. Concerning the sad statistics of the city, worth saying about 93 infected persons, including one five-year child who at the moment is trying to lead a normal life making it more vivid and strong-willed.

Combating the spread of AIDS: realities of today
Combating the spread of AIDS: realities of today
Combating the spread of AIDS: realities of today
Combating the spread of AIDS: realities of today

Equally important is the structure of infection: 58 % of those infected are "chronic" drug addicts, who wholly or partly depend on heavy drugs, other 42% are infected by heterosexual transmission, which is also a great tragedy of life both for themselves and for their families and friends.

At the end of the event, the visitor told about the spread of the disease in terms of sexual dominance, and in other ways, conveyed to the audience a kind of algorithm of actions for suspected on HIV-infection, called for the tolerant attitude of today's youth towards HIV-infected people.

Participants of educational event and the organizers express gratitude to cabinet “Trust” and personally to physician Petro Kovdyuk for active propagation of combating the spread of AIDS in Ukraine.


Combating the spread of AIDS: realities of today
Combating the spread of AIDS: realities of today

Student government council of

the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship