26.04.2019 1965

Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit

November 2, Uman National University of Horticulture, the Department of Accounting and Audit visited guests – students of Uman Agrotechnical College and graduates of secondary schools of Ladyzhyn educational county, Uman district on the Open Day. Guests acquainted with the academic staff of the department, academic and educational work of the collective, level of training specialists. And besides the necessary cognitive aspects obtained also a positive energy of entertainment.

Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit
Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit

Among the honored guests were the Deputy Head of the Department of Education of Uman district Halimon Larysa Serhiivna, directors of schools of Ladyzhynka, Ryzhavka, Sharyno, Tekucha, Yatranivka, Horodnytsya, Kolodyste and lecturers of Uman Agrotechnical College.

In his opening remarks, Head of Department of Accounting and Audit, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Ulanchuk  Volodymyr Semenovych informed the guests about the history, present and prospects of development of educational qualifications levels in accounting and audit – Bachelor, Specialist and Master.

In addition to entertainment program, beside competitions and small concert, entered the movie “Colors of student’s life” which was created by students of Uman NUH. The review caused a great interest and positive emotions of viewers.

Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit
Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit

After watching the film guests were asked to give their own understanding of “Who is the student?”. The best and most original answers were evaluated with sweet prizes.

The jury, which included the Deputy Head of the District Department of Education  Halimon Larysa Serhiivna, Head of Ladyzhyn Educational District Myronyuk Ludmyla Avksentiivna, Assistant Professor of Department of Accounting and Audit Olyadnichuk Nataliya Volodymyrivna and lecturer Slavgorodska Alyona Andriivna determined the winners.

Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit
Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit

A pleasant surprise for the guests was a festive lottery raffle. Winners were awarded by Head of Department Ulanchuk Vlolodymyr Semenovych.

Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit
Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit

During the music pause, guests were entertained by fifth-year students of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship Dar'ya Prykhodko and Olha Melnychenko.

Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit
Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit
Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit
Open Day at the Department of Accounting and Audit

In conclusion, the guests were offered  sweets.

Department of Accounting and Audit