26.04.2019 2599

Open Day in Uman National University of Horticulture

On April 20, one of the most prestigious agricultural universities of Ukraine Uman National University of Horticulture welcomed guests who came on the Open Day.


School-leavers and their parents visited the university, got to know about its history, rules of admission, accommodation, facilities for studies and leisure.

About 400 guests from 6 districts of Kirovograd Region, 5 districts of Vinnytsia Region, 10 districts of Cherkasy Region and 3 districts of Mykolaiv Region visited our university.





Deans of 6 faculties spoke about the occupations that students can get at their faculties and job prospects after graduation.

After that, there was a concert. The presenters Anastasia Gumenna and Arthur Gurtovenko told the audience, that while studying at the university students can also fulfill their creative potential if they take part in one of 15 creative groups of the Centre for Culture and Education, 7 of which have the title People’s.