26.04.2019 2469

Department of economics on the manufacture

October 31, 2013 was held a retreat meeting of the Department of Economics on the  manufacture in the APC “Cherpovody” of  Uman district.

Lecturers of the faculty were able not only to hear but also to see the advantages of the use of No-till system. About it informed the audience Head of APC “Cherpovody” of Uman district, Cherkasy region Yuriy Derenyuk and Chief Agronomist Andriy Rozborskyy.

This system is used in this sector for eight years, in the result of which after the introduction of zero tillage of the soil, were reduced the costs on fuel and lubricants. Thus, using  the conventional technology, domestic economy spent about 200 tons of diesel fuel a year, but after introduction of new technology, fuel consumption reduced by half. At the same time, yield of crops has not diminished, and labor costs decreased by 30-40%. All this contributed to the increase of economic efficiency of agricultural production. In particular, the yield of winter wheat in 2013 was - 65 hwt/ha, maize - 70 hwt/ha, sunflower - 30 hwt/ha.

Department of economics on the manufacture
Department of economics on the manufacture
Department of economics on the manufacture
Department of economics on the manufacture

Also, lecturers of the department were able to visit livestock complex - one of the few that remained in Uman district, which contained more than 400 heads of cattle and about 1000 pigs and 85 horses, which enables the enterprise to produce necessary for soil organic fertilizers.

Department of economics on the manufacture
Department of economics on the manufacture
Department of economics on the manufacture
Department of economics on the manufacture

In discussing the application of No-till system were discovered the advantages and disadvantages of both conventional and zero tillage.

Meeting of scientists and producers left a good impression for both sides.