22.04.2014 2288

International Coordination Meeting of the Trans-European Tempus project in Warsaw

From 14 to 15 April 2014 in Warsaw at the Higher Agricultural School a coordination meeting of project implementers 544524-2013-1-PL-TEMPUS-SMHES «Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Science at Ukrainian Universities - QUANTUS» was held, supported by the European Union. The meeting was attended by project partners from universities of Spain, Austria, Italy, Germany, Poland and Ukraine in particular - from Uman National University of Horticulture, which was represented by the First Vice-Rector, Associate Professor Ivan Mostov'yak and Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activity, Professor Viktor Karpenko.

 Project coordinator from the European Community Stefan Ignar greeted the participants and revealed the nature, objectives and expected results from the project realization. All project partners had the opportunity to present education and research institutions.


Професор Стефан Ігнар звертається зі вступним словом до учасників наради
Професор Стефан Ігнар звертається зі вступним словом до учасників наради
Круглий стіл учасників координаційної зустрічі
Круглий стіл учасників координаційної зустрічі

Professor Stefan Ignar greeted the participants of the meeting

 Round-table conference of participants of coordinational meeting

 Uman National University of Horticulture was represented by Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activity, Professor Viktor Karpenko, who for the convenience of all participants in English and Ukrainian spoke about the history of the institution, its structure, the number of students, teaching staff, the number of schools, qualification courses and specializations. However, the greatest emphasis was placed on experimental and scientific basis, academic schools, research programs and university achievements, prospects for participation in the project. At the end of the presentation, all participants were warmly invited to visit our institution. This proposal has found joyous support among the participants. In discussing the presentation in Polish participated the First Vice-Rector, Associate Professor Ivan Mostov'yak.


Професор В. Карпенко презентує учасникам зустрічі Уманський національний університет садівництва
Професор В. Карпенко презентує учасникам зустрічі Уманський національний університет садівництва
Перший проректор Іван Мостов’як під час обговорення та спілкування з учасниками проекту
Перший проректор Іван Мостов’як під час обговорення та спілкування з учасниками проекту

Professor Viktor Karpenko presents Uman National University of Horticulture to participants

 First Vice-Rector Ivan Mostov'yak during the discussion and dialogue with participants of the project

 During the second day of the meeting, key issues that led to the organization of the project and their solutions were discussed. Under this theme the presentations of Professors V. Zakharchenko (Ukraine), M. Frankovich (Poland), Zh. Mosey (Poland) and others were announced. As a result, seven groups (with the participation of Ukrainian and European partners) that will implement the project with specific objectives were approved.

Світлина на згадку про участь у координаційній зустрічі у Варшаві виконавців проекту «Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Science at Ukrainian Universities – QUANTUS»
Світлина на згадку про участь у координаційній зустрічі у Варшаві виконавців проекту «Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Science at Ukrainian Universities – QUANTUS»

 Photo in memory of participation in coordination meetings in Warsaw of project implementers «Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Science at Ukrainian Universities - QUANTUS»

 The meeting drawn together the project team and inspired them to further fruitful work.


Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Activity,

Professor Viktor Karpenko