26.04.2019 2640

International cooperation in action. Lyudmyla Khudik: my scientific probation in Poland

After winning a grant at the Agricultural University of Wroclaw to a short postgraduate training on the direction of dissertation researches, I was actively involved in teaching and research program of Professor Stanisław Tołpa. Probation was held from 1 to 31 October 2013 at the  Department of Technology under the supervision of the Head of the Department of Technology of Processing of Fruits, Vegetables and Grain Doctor habilitat, Professor Ian Oshmyanski and Doctor habilitat Alicja Kuharskaya. Together with me, worked on probation postgraduate students from Spain and Mexico.


Стажери з Іспанії, Мексики та України з завідувачем кафедри професором Ошмянським у лабораторії
Стажери з Іспанії, Мексики та України з завідувачем кафедри професором Ошмянським у лабораторії

Trainees from Spain, Mexico and Ukraine with Head of the Department, Professor Oshmyanski at the laboratory

Sector of fruits and vegetables of this department has in its use  eight scientific and two educational laboratories with modern equipment for research and identification of biochemical compounds and antioxidant polyphenolic nature. Development  of researches contribute modern material and technical base, support by university of scientific innovation, training and professional development of employees of the department in advanced research institutions of Europe and world. Funding occurs through various government programs and through contracts with the Polish pharmaceutical medical institutions.

During training in departmental research laboratories on modern equipment was defined physical and chemical composition of fruits of apple, pear, dogwood and their processed products, principles of chromatographic analysis on liquid chromatographs were mastered, were listened lectures of Doctor Alicja Kuharskaya and Professor Ian Oshmyanski.


З лектором доктором Аліцією Кухарською
З лектором доктором Аліцією Кухарською

With lecturer Doctor Alicja Kuharskaya

On the eve of my return to Ukraine I made an English presentation about our University, established on the basis of the material of lecturer of Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages of Uman NUH Olena Oliynyk. During the presentation,  Polish professors and graduate students were struck by a powerful educational production base of UNUH, they were interested in the subject of scientific researches on development of new technologies of pre- and post-harvest processing of fruits storage performed by the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture of the University, led by Professor Oleksandr Melnyk, and developed by the Department of Technology of Storage, Preservation and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables under the supervision of Professor Anastasiya Tokar.


Під час дегустації уманських вин
Під час дегустації уманських вин

During the degustation of Uman wines

For postgraduates academic training of such level – is an important element of formation of  highly qualified specialist of chosen research direction.

So I want to thank the Wroclaw Agricultural University and Uman National University of Horticulture for the opportunity of internship on such a high level.

Lyudmyla Khudik,

postgraduate of the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture

(photos of the author)