26.04.2019 2214

Education in Ukraine: innovation and traditions


22-24 October, 2013 in the exhibition centre “KyivExpoPlaza” was held the V National Exhibition-Presentation “Innovation in Modern Education”, which was attended by a delegation of Uman NUH headed  by Senior Lecturer of Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, Candidate of Pedagogical sciences Karychkovska Svitlana Petrivna.

Старший викладач кафедри української та іноземних мов Каричковська Світлана Петрівна та представник ТОВ «Панасонік Україна Лтд»
Старший викладач кафедри української та іноземних мов Каричковська Світлана Петрівна та представник ТОВ «Панасонік Україна Лтд»

Senior Lecturer of Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Karychkovska Svitlana and representative of “Panasonic Ukraine Ltd”

On the exhibition presented their educational achievement and experience of innovation activity 796 educational institutions, scientific institutions, methodical centers, regional education authorities. In addition , within the exhibition were presented 19 universities of China, which offered academic exchange programs for students, postgraduates and professors of higher educational institutions, cooperation of Chinese and Ukrainian universities, conducting scientific developments, etc.. Education abroad and experience of cooperation with Ukrainian colleagues presented also an agency Campus France, Moscow Technological Institute  “WUT”, Moscow Business School in Ukraine, American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS.

The main topics of the exhibition were:

  • Pedagogical innovation, technology and experience of their implementation in educational practice.
  • Innovation in the presentation of educational institutions in the online space.
  • Innovative training projects of competitive specialists in educational institutions.
  • Implementation of innovative pedagogical systems using modern information technology.
  • Realization of productive international cooperation at all levels of education.
  • Development and use of electronic learning, innovative methodical complexes, distance learning systems.

Delegation of Uman NUH had the opportunity to review modern learning tools, electronic projects, programs and solutions for educational branches.


Семінар "Організаційно-методичні умови впровадження електронних засобів навчання у діяльність навчальних закладів регіону"
Семінар "Організаційно-методичні умови впровадження електронних засобів навчання у діяльність навчальних закладів регіону"

Seminar “Organizational and methodical conditions of implementation of electronic learning tools in educational institutions activity of the region”


Concerning the work experience of the exhibition, Uman NUH outlined the prospects of further participation in the events of such level and defined the strategic perspectives of  development of educational and scientific work of one of the oldest universities in Ukraine - Uman National University of Horticulture.


Participant of the exhibition,

Senior Lecturer of Department  of

Ukrainian and Foreign Languages

Karychkovska Svitlana Petrivna