26.04.2019 1839

Presentation of the updated journal "Bulleting of Uman National University of Horticulture"

On the 23rd of October in the reading room of Uman NUH, the presentation of updated scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of Uman National University of Horticulture” was conducted.

Vice Rectors, Professors, Doctors, doctoral students and postgraduates of the university confirmed their respect to the founders and members of the editorial board by their presence.

Viktor Karpenko, Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, editor in  chief opened the solemn meeting. He told the audience about the purpose of the journal presentation - in connection with the expansion of subjects of scientific researches at the university and the change of requirements for professional publications to increase its presentableness not only for Ukrainian scholars, but also for the worldwide society.

Presentation of the updated journal "Bulleting of Uman National University of Horticulture"
Presentation of the updated journal "Bulleting of Uman National University of Horticulture"

Viktor Petrovych said: “Ukraine is one of the leading countries-suppliers of agricultural products on the world food market. Therefore, extremely important is the creation of favorable conditions not only for production but also for scientific and technological developments in this industry. The rapid development of science and technology in the modern world require the establishment of adequate mechanisms not only for generating the ideas, but also to distribute them among scholars and practitioners. This journal will serve as a platform for the exchange of scientific achievements in the field of agriculture for domestic and foreign scholars, enabling them not only to keep abreast of the latest achievements of agricultural science, but also to be actively involved in their discussion”.

Chief Editor of the journal Viktor Karpenko demonstrated the last issue of edition of 2013, in which were published the works of Doctors of Science, and introduced newly created website of Bulletin of Uman NUH, where you can find the information about the conditions for publication of articles in the journal, which has received an international standard room ISSN 2310-0478 (Online ) and ISSN 2310 -046X (Print).

In the slideshow broadcasted during the presentation, participants got acquainted with the editorial board of the journal, which included not only scientists of Uman National University of Horticulture, but scientists from Poland, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Moldova, Thailand and other countries.

Mykhaylo Malyovanyy, technical secretary of the Scientific Bulletin continued the meeting with his speech, in which he told in details about conditions for printing and requirements of the international level for the articles because the journal is registered in the International scientometric databases of other countries, such as РИНЦ, AGRIS, SCOPUS.

Presentation of the updated journal "Bulleting of Uman National University of Horticulture"
Presentation of the updated journal "Bulleting of Uman National University of Horticulture"

The journal is published two times a year; materials for publication in the journal are accepted by thematic sections: agronomy and forestry, which contain many rubrics. Stated thematic sections of the journal give the authors opportunity to select various topic of publications, as with the presence of actual and interesting material categorization can be expanded. The articles printed in the journal will be considered during defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

To be an international, edition is translated in three languages: Ukrainian , Russian and English. Mychaylo Malyovanyy noted that with the purpose of focusing the English reader on the scientific bulletin, should be submitted extended abstracts and articles in English.

During the discussion, participants of the presentation asked chief editor Victor Karpenko and technical secretary Mykhaylo Malyovanyy questions, on which they received satisfactory answers. Representatives of the scientific elite of the university also offered the best ways for improved issue of the journal, as a result of which the main purpose will be reached - scientific support of the development of theory and practice of agricultural sciences.

Presentation of the updated journal "Bulleting of Uman National University of Horticulture"
Presentation of the updated journal "Bulleting of Uman National University of Horticulture"

At the end of a fruitful meeting Professor Viktor Karpenko expressed a hope that the journal “Bulletin of Uman National University of Horticulture” will become one of the leading publications and will be useful for the scientific society as well as for agricultural business not only in Ukraine but also in other countries.

To learn in details the edition and conditions for submitting articles, you can visit the web page.