01.12.2021 803

Uman National University of Horticulture is a participant of the International Symposium "Project "Norway – Ukraine" (NUPASS) as a model of social and professional adaptation of veterans. Prospects for integration into the state system of Ukraine "

A delegation of representatives of Uman National University of Horticulture led by the Rector of the University Olena Nepochatenko took part in the International Symposium "Project "Norway-Ukraine" (NUPASS) as a model of social and professional adaptation of veterans. Prospects for integration into the state system of Ukraine", organized by the International Fund for Social Adaptation and Nord University with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway.

Project "Norway – Ukraine" (NUPASS) as a model of social and professional adaptation of veterans. Prospects for integration into the state system of Ukraine
Project "Norway – Ukraine" (NUPASS) as a model of social and professional adaptation of veterans. Prospects for integration into the state system of Ukraine

The aim was to discuss the results of cooperation between the International Fund for Social Adaptation, partners and executors of the NUPASS project, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and international organizations to integrate the model of social and professional adaptation of servicemen, veterans and their families into the state system of Ukraine.

During the International Symposium, two Memoranda of Cooperation were signed: between the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine and the International Fund for Social Adaptation and between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the International Fund for Social Adaptation. On behalf of IFSA, the Memoranda were signed by the President of the Foundation Volodymyr Rubtsov, on behalf of the Ministries – the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet and the Minister for Veterans of Ukraine Yulia Larutina.

Project "Norway – Ukraine" (NUPASS) as a model of social and professional adaptation of veterans. Prospects for integration into the state system of Ukraine
Project "Norway – Ukraine" (NUPASS) as a model of social and professional adaptation of veterans. Prospects for integration into the state system of Ukraine

Mykhailo Malovanyi, Vice-Rector of Uman National University of Horticulture, also joined the active discussion with a report. He spoke about the experience of the project at Uman National University of Horticulture and focused on the establishment of the Center for Professional Adaptation of servicemen, veterans and their families. "Immersing potential project participants in a peaceful life and their formation in their own business niche will benefit not only the servicemen, veterans and their families, but also the local communities where they will operate. Also, directly to the state, for which socially adapted, responsible citizens with an active life position are the driving force of positive change," said the speaker.

Uman National University of Horticulture joined the project as a partner in early 2021. Within the framework of the discussed program of professional retraining of servicemen, veterans and members of their families, practical and theoretical training was carried out in the total amount of 500 hours per semester in the specialty "Organization of own business in horticulture and vegetable growing". Within the defined educational trajectory, seminars on innovative technologies of growing in horticulture and vegetable growing, business planning, features of using modern information technologies, consultations on starting your own business, trainings on psychological support, active communication with graduates were maintained.

Project "Norway – Ukraine" (NUPASS) as a model of social and professional adaptation of veterans. Prospects for integration into the state system of Ukraine
Project "Norway – Ukraine" (NUPASS) as a model of social and professional adaptation of veterans. Prospects for integration into the state system of Ukraine

The goals pursued by the participants of the International Symposium "Project "Norway – Ukraine" (NUPASS) as a model of social and professional adaptation of veterans. Prospects for integration into the state system of Ukraine " – are an important issue for the future of Ukraine.