26.04.2019 4098

Gardeners of UNUH on international seminar in Nemyriv

   August 9, 2013 in Nemyriv, Vinnytsya Region an international seminar on “Technologies of production and storage of apples” was held. These scientific and practical seminars, which were held in different regions of the country, started at the beginning of this century with the participation of the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture of  Uman National University of Horticulture initiated by gardening counselor, a graduate of the Faculty of Horticulture and Viticulture Evhen Naychenko. Co-organizer of seminars in recent years is the polish company “AgroFresh” which introduces storage technology of fruits using invented in the USA ethylene inhibitor – 1-methylcyclopropene (preparation «SmartFresh»), and co-organizer of the current seminar – distributor  of «SmartFresh» in Ukraine – company «Trading». Scientific support of this innovative project is provided by the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture of UNUH by the contract with “AgroFresh”.

   On behalf of the organizers,  sessional part of  the seminar was opened by Evhen Naychenko. In the opening remarks, Professor Oleksandr Melnyk emphasized on the importance of cooperation of scientists and practicians and the role of  UNUH in scientific development and in cadre provision of horticultural industry.

About the activity of Uman National University of Horticulture – Professor Oleksandr Melnyk 

   Then were heard, prepared by “AgroFresh”, materials on production condition and assortment of apples in the world (Krzysztof Woźniak, Poland) and the reports of the advanced technologies of  apple trees seedlings (Coen Karolyus, Belgium) and care for fruit garden (Pahach Tadeusz, Poland). Considered the features of the germ and fruit thinning (Evhen Naychenko, Ukraine), the use of growth regulators and fertilization and fruiting of garden (Eric van der Hoff, The Netherlands), mechanization of laying gardens processes and fruit growing (Mariusz Bundz, Poland), ways of  harvesting (Alberto Ravahlia, Italy), and other issues of modern gardening.

Mechanization of horticultural processes – speech of Mariusz Bundz (Poland)

   The results of their dissertation research on the application of an inhibitor of ethylene “Smart Fresh” for apples storage reported teachers of UNUH Julia Zhmudenko and Olga Drozd and postgraduates Leonid Remenyuk (Department of Horticulture and Viticulture) and Ihor Melnyk (Dept. of  Storage and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables). The results of nearly 10 years of scientists research of the University in this range was summarized by Professor Oleksandr Melnyk, who also spoke about the prospects for the practical application of research results on storage of fruits.

   During the practical part, participants of the seminar visited laid with the help of  newest technology 30-hectare apple orchard near Nemyriv, which in the second year after planting provides with more than 10 tonnes per hectare apples harvest.

Overview of modern horticultural machinery

   The selection of  topical subjects for production and their elucidation with the participation of  leading national and foreign experts, as well as the implementation of researches considering advanced manufacturing by the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture, promotes the success of this and similar horticultural seminars involving academics and alumni of Uman NUH. These are essential elements of career guidance work and  educational process of the university in order to provide professional staff for horticultural industry of our country.

With coordinator of the program program Smart Fresh  in Eastern Europe Krzysztof Woźniak (in the center)

                     Professor Oleksandr Melnyk