26.04.2019 2912

Students of the Faculty Economics and Entrepreneurship celebrated Day of Liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders

Students of the Faculty Economics and Entrepreneurship celebrated Day of Liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders
Students of the Faculty Economics and Entrepreneurship celebrated Day of Liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders

Every year on October, 28 Ukraine celebrates the Day of Liberation from the fascist invaders, because on this day in 1944 the territory of modern Ukraine was completely liberated from Fascist German occupation forces and their confederates. The territory of Zakarpattya was liberated during the East-Carpathian offensive operation carried out by Soviet connections of the First and Fourth Ukrainian Fronts.

On October 20, 2009, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Ukrainian territory, by the Decree of President of Ukraine was established its celebration “... with the purpose of a national celebration of Ukraine's liberation from fascist invaders, commemoration of the heroic feat and sacrifice of the Ukrainian nation in World War II ...”.

On October 28, 2013 Student Government Council of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship organized a cognitive event dedicated to the celebration. Near the deanery was billed artworks and wall newspapers on the subject of World War II.

Great admiration aroused the works in casual observers, lecturers and students. During the day resounded positive comments  regarding the level of organization of the event.

Students of the Faculty Economics and Entrepreneurship celebrated Day of Liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders
Students of the Faculty Economics and Entrepreneurship celebrated Day of Liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders
Students of the Faculty Economics and Entrepreneurship celebrated Day of Liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders
Students of the Faculty Economics and Entrepreneurship celebrated Day of Liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders
Students of the Faculty Economics and Entrepreneurship celebrated Day of Liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders
Students of the Faculty Economics and Entrepreneurship celebrated Day of Liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders

Student Government Council with an example of this educational event as a purpose wanted  to enhance the interest of students to the study of the past of their country, because knowledge of the history of the country is an integral aspect of its further development.

Student Council of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship thanked curators and group leaders for their cooperation and they they hope for an active and fruitful work in the future.

Press Service of Student Government Council

of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship