26.04.2019 1639

Uman celebrated the 69th anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from fascist invaders

Uman National University of Horticulture for many years actively involved in citywide events dedicated to the liberation of the town and Ukraine from fascist invaders. Only through the dedication and heroism of Soviet soldiers, Ukrainian land was liberated from the fascist invaders, and this event became momentous in the history of the state.

On the 28 of October, in Uman were held celebrations and ceremony of commemorating fallen soldiers-liberators near the Obelisk of Glory, which was attended by the Rector of Uman National University of Horticulture Olena Nepochatenko and Assistant Rector Zhanna Lozinska.

Uman celebrated the 69th anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from fascist invaders
Uman celebrated the 69th anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from fascist invaders

Together with the leadership of the region, district and representatives of City Council, Olena Oleksandrivna laid flowers to the Memorial of fallen soldiers. From the guidance of the town greeted the audience on the occasion and stressed on the importance of the event First Deputy Chairman Stanislav Markov; on behalf of the District and City Veteran Organizations spoke  Chairman of the Council of Veterans and Labor Anatoliy Khodan, who encouraged participants of the solemnity to unite for the preservation of peace and a happy life under the cloudless sky.

Uman celebrated the 69th anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from fascist invaders
Uman celebrated the 69th anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from fascist invaders

Students of educational institutions and inhabitants of the city also honored the memory of the fallen soldiers laying flowers at the memorial plate. Carnations, laid to the pedestal of the Obelisk were like drops of blood spilled during the fiercest battles.

Our earthbound bow to all those who fought on fronts of the Great Patriotic War, who lived through the years of occupation and hell of concentration camps, who raised from the ruins and revived native land. Your feat - is immortal, the memory of you, living and dead – eternal, gratitude to the people – is limitless.

Uman celebrated the 69th anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from fascist invaders
Uman celebrated the 69th anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from fascist invaders

Press-centre of the university