26.04.2019 2229

Educational Hour for freshmen "Priority of Life"

With such winged expression began Educational Hour for first year students of Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship and Faculty of Management, which were conducted by a practical psychologist of the university Halyna Minchenko. In her opening remarks, she told the freshmen about the importance and urgency of the stated topic, because youth is on the threshold of life and time of adolescence – is a period when its future depends on the behavior  and correct choice.

Halyna Stepanivna focused on the fact that human life is given once, to each - his own. We need to open ourselves in it , to be able to find its sense, despite the fact that life is multifaceted, with light and dark sides.

From the standpoint of deep psychological analysis Halyna Minchenko told youth that ability to live lies in the skill of analyzing your own actions, transforming the disadvantages on advantages, seeing in life not only negative sides, but also positive and appreciating what we have, using the chances that fate sends us, because life – is priceless.

An interesting and emotional story of a psychologist was accompanied with ancient parables and testaments for the youth of Mother Teresa , who saved from the depth of ages wise guidelines: the main condition for a happy future life -  to feel always its taste, because life - is a game, fight, love, responsibility, song, which you need to finish singing to the end.

Tremendous psychological influance on the students had films about life of Nick Vuychych who not obeyed to cruel fate, and adapted to life struggling with its adversities. On his own example the hero of documentaries encourages young people to be patient, never to give up, to overcome setbacks, after falling - to get up and to strive again. And no matter what happens – to be thankful to life. Paradoxically, but without legs and arms he admits , “I love life! I'm happy!”.

Educational Hour ended on a high optimistic note: each subsequent day we should perceive as a gift.

At the end of the educational event practical psychologist Halyna Minchenko wished the participants that everyone should think about the essence of his life when leaving the room, because everything is in their hands, and only depends on them which exactly moments in their lives will be waiting for them in future.