26.04.2019 2018

Meeting of the students scientific circle at the Department of Finance and Credit



November 27 at the Department of Finance and Credit, a meeting of student scientific circle was conducted.

The meeting was opened by Head of the Department, Candidate of Economics, Assistant Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit Huzar Bohdan Stepanovych, who presented to the students and lecturers invited guests - First Deputy Chief of Department of PFU in Uman  and Uman district Chernychenko Valentyna Petrivna and Deputy Head of the Department  Luk’yanova Oksana Valentynivna.

Meeting of the students scientific circle at the Department of Finance and Credit
Meeting of the students scientific circle at the Department of Finance and Credit

During the meeting were discussed the following issues:

     - pensions to citizens of the town and district;

     - accrual of a single social contribution;

     - choice between academic and labor pensions;

     - news in legislation;

     - indices of the average wage (income) per worker, engaged in branches of economy, which are used to determine the coefficient of salary for pension recalculation;

     - social guarantees;

     - procedure of conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections of taxpayers by Pension Fund of Ukraine.


Meeting of the students scientific circle at the Department of Finance and Credit
Meeting of the students scientific circle at the Department of Finance and Credit

In the discussion of the topic of pension provision of Uman and Uman district took an active part lecturers of the Department of Finance and Credit and students of the I-V courses of the speciality of “Finance and Credit”.

Yuliya Ulyanych,

Head of Student Scientific Circle of

the Department of Finance and Credit