Thematics of degree works
A doctor of agricultural sciences, a professor О. Melnyk
- Growing methods improvement of high quality fruit and berry crops planting material.
- Fruit and berry crops productivity depending on the quality of planting material, and methods of its storing.
- Trees growth peculiarities, parameters of crona formation, productivity evaluation, freezing and winter resistance, high ripening qualities of fruit plantings of intensive type.
- Disposition of new introduction apple trees and pear trees varieties to functional fruit diseases, development of measures for their prevention and storing conditions.
- Prediction of fruit laying ability depending on the analisis of their mineral contents.
- Improvement of after gathering horticulture products treatment (seedlings, fruits, flowers) with the inhibidor of ethylene biosynthesis use.
A doctor of agricultural sciences, a professor V. Zamorskyi
- Variety peculiarities of fruit and berry crops buds morphogenesis at intensive plantings.
- Growth, fruitfullness and fruit quality peculiarities depending on planting constructions of fruit crops.
- Growth, fruitfullness and fruit quality peculiarities depending on cutting terms.
- Improvement of grafting methods of seed, stone and nuciferous fruit crops taking into account their biological peculiarities.
A candidate of agricultural sciences, a PhD V. Manzii
- Economic and biological evaluation of grape garden varieties under the conditions of the southern forest-steppe.
- Improvement of growing methods of grape planting material.
- Grape seedlings growing with green grafts (together with the Department of Ecology, Forestry and Landscape Gardening).
- Morphogenesis and phenology of prosperous grape varieties under the conditions of Cherkasy region.
- Loading formation with the harvest of garden grape varieties.
A candidate of agricultural sciences, a PhD V. Maiboroda
- Clonal wildings productivity depending on a method of layer ovary leading.
- Organic substartums use in ovary of clonal wildings.
- Yield and quality of clonal wilding layers depending on the ovary plants supply with moisture.
- Improvement of productivity of a planted out clonal wilding ovary depending on the ovary plants loading.
- Improvement of growing methods of seed crops crona seedlings.
- Growing peculiarities of stone crops seedlings.
- Economic and biological evaluation of variety wilding combinations of seed and stone crops at seed plot.
- Economic and biological evaluation of clonal wildings in a collection ovary.
- Clonal wildings study in ovary of a competitive test.
A candidate of agricultural sciences,a PhD R. Yakovenko
- Apple trees and pear trees growth and yielding capacity depending on their fertilization
- Apple trees and pear trees productivity at optimization of mineral nutrition.
- Apple trees productivity under different systems of fertilization and secondary growing in shift of crops.
- Peculiarities of the growth, fruitfullness and fruit qualities of apple tree fruits under different systems of soil keeping and fertilization.
- Clonal wildings productivity depending on their fertilization.
A candidate of agricultural sciences, a Phd P. Holovatyi
- Productivity of fruit plantings of an apple tree depending on fruit trees cutting terms and methods.
- Apple tree productivity and growth activity regulating methods.
- Apple tree plantings productivity depending on terms and repetition factor of trees cutting.
- Apple tree plantings productivity depending on repetition factor of crona cutting and stem cutting.
A candidate of agricultural sciences, a senior lecturer R. Butsyk
- Productivity of wild strawberry varieties depending on methods of soil holding.
- Productivity and harvest quality of wild strawberry varieties depending on their fertilization.
- Growth and fruitfullness of wild strawberry plantings under out-frame covering.
- Yield and seedlings quality of wild strawberry depending on the method of its growing.
- Productivity and harvest quality of wild strawberry depending on the quality of planting material.
An assisstant S. Chepkyi
- Productivity of early-ripening apricot varieties depending on the schemas of trees planting.
- Influence of trees planting schemas on growth and yielding capacity of apricot varieties of an average term of ripening.
- Growth and yielding capacity of late-ripening apricot varieties under different trees planting schemas.
- Apricot productivity depending on a system of soil holding at garden interlines.
- Apple tree growth and yielding capacity under different systems of soil holding in the garden.