23.06.2023 157

Participation of UNUS scientists in the international forum of educators and employers "Distance Education of the Future: Challenges and Prospects"

Uman National University of Horticulture continues to actively participate in the implementation of the international project "Distance Education of the Future: EU Best Practices in Response to the Demands of Modern Higher Education Students and the Labor Market (Distance Education for Future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market / DEFEP). 

The DEFEP project is supported by the European Union's Erasmus+ Ka2 program and is implemented by 11 partner universities from Ukraine, Moldova, Germany, Spain, and Italy. The project is coordinated by the Petro Mohyla National University.

The main goal of the project is to improve and ensure the sustainability of the distance education system based on best European practices to strengthen the capacity of the Eastern Partnership countries' higher education institutions to develop students' competencies in accordance with the cognitive, behavioral and technological transformations of the individual, society and labor market.

On June 20, the International Forum of Educators and Employers started in a hybrid format at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University: "Distance Education of the Future: Challenges and Prospects" within the framework of the Erasmus+ DEFEP Higher Education Capacity Building project "Distance Education of the Future: EU Best Practices in Response to the Demands of Modern Higher Education Students and Labor Market Representatives". This landmark event provided the platform participants with an opportunity to discuss the challenges, opportunities and future directions of distance education development. The forum was also a great opportunity for Uman National University to share its own experience and get acquainted with the best practices of other educational institutions. It was also an opportunity to make a significant contribution to the collective knowledge in the field of distance education.

Participation of UNUS scientists in the international forum of educators and employers "Distance Education of the Future: Challenges and Prospects"
Participation of UNUS scientists in the international forum of educators and employers "Distance Education of the Future: Challenges and Prospects"

During the forum, Mykhailo MALYOVANYI, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, presented the current initiatives of the university team on the topic "Institutional Component of Distance Education in Ukraine". Mykhailo Ivanovych emphasized the institutional structure, problems and weaknesses of the distance education system in Ukraine and outlined the main visions of the development and improvement of the institutional component of distance education.

Participation of UNUS scientists in the international forum of educators and employers "Distance Education of the Future: Challenges and Prospects"
Participation of UNUS scientists in the international forum of educators and employers "Distance Education of the Future: Challenges and Prospects"

The forum was also joined by the university's academic staff, because as one of the project participants and a leading agricultural higher education institution, Uman National University of Horticulture recognizes the need to stay at the forefront of educational achievements and adapt to the changing needs of the labor market and the demands of students and employers. In addition, distance education is a dynamic and flexible approach that allows an educational institution to expand its educational opportunities beyond traditional boundaries. Moreover, thanks to the DEFEP program, the university can adopt the best practices of European partners and implement the best practices of distance education to improve the quality of education.

Participation of UNUS scientists in the international forum of educators and employers "Distance Education of the Future: Challenges and Prospects"
Participation of UNUS scientists in the international forum of educators and employers "Distance Education of the Future: Challenges and Prospects"

The staff of Uman National University of Horticulture is always happy to participate in events of such a high level, because by joining the community of progressive educators, the university establishes its presence as a leader in the field of distance education and works in the same stream of thought with the best representatives of higher education in Ukraine and abroad.