26.07.2021 16210

Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock Exchange

The specialty "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock Exchange " of Uman National University of Horticulture is a successful synergistic combination of all relevant spheres of activity of the modern developed state.

Highly qualified specialists in this field occupy a significant place in the structure of all, without exception, enterprises, organizations or institutions that may exist in the economic system of the state. This specialty is extremely versatile, as experts in the field predict economic and financial activities, provide an effective system of sales of products, develop business strategies of the company in a competitive environment, provide consulting services in the stock market and determine ways to improve the efficiency of the organization. Often, the success of both the individual unit and the entire enterprise depends on them.

Graduates of the University majoring in Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock Exchange may hold the following positions:

  • Head of enterprises, institutions, organizations and their subdivisions;
  • Chief Inspector of Price Control;
  • Head of Commercial Department;
  • Director (manager) of a small trading company;
  • Professional in keeping a register of holders of registered securities;
  • Professional in corporate governance;
  • Professional in securities trading;
  • Specialist in public authorities in the field of consumer protection;
  • Commodity auditor;
  • Product quality control inspector;
  • Expert on export-import operations;
  • Customs inspector;
  • Stockbroker (broker);
  • Commodity market research analyst;
  • Specialist in the examination and standardization of goods;
  • Teacher, researcher of higher educational establishments, research organizations and educational institutions.

American investor James Altacher, speaking to some extent about this specialty, states: “Each of us is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to become an entrepreneur are the ability to fail, the ability to generate ideas, the ability to sell and implement those ideas, and the ability to persist, despite your mistakes, to learn and move on to the next adventure. ”

If you possess the outlined features and strive for success, the specialty "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities" of Uman National University of Horticulture is your choice!