26.07.2021 11396


The specialty “Biology” forms the basis which gives the impetus to the graduates to be realized in any sphere of our life. Internships abroad students of the specialty "Biology" form the skills of practical training, which are successfully implemented, through participation in scientific or environmental international projects, in the field of environmental protection and conservation of biodiversity. Future graduates and biologists will be in dire need in Ukraine and abroad in the coming years.


The demand for biology professionals in the world is higher than for other natural sciences. Among biologists, the greatest demand is for young professionals who would like to specialize in molecular biology, genetics, and related fields of biology. The department has established relations with leading scientific institutions of Ukraine and abroad, which help to realize the issues of further employment of graduates. Also, graduates in the specialty "Biology" are successfully employed at biotechnology enterprises related to the production of medicines, food, in the field of conducting their own agricultural business.


In recent years, agriculture businessmen have been listed as the richest people in the world. Agrarian sector salaries in successful enterprises are currently one of the highest in the country. Exports of agricultural products in Ukraine exceed all other industries.


XXI century - the time of biologists

In the world of biological science, in particular, in molecular biology, innovative discoveries are taking place, which makes this field of science extremely in demand and promising. Biologists study living organisms, varieties of viruses and bacteria. Biological research is essential in addressing the problems of human health, nature and its restoration. Biologists lead management positions that require complex research programs and are in demand as business consultants.

Nowadays, biologists solve urgent questions for both the state and the entire population of the planet, namely:

Environmental issues

Graduates of the department can work as scientists in the teams of nature conservation institutions - reserves, national parks, heads of scientific departments, botanical gardens, dendrological and zoological parks and parks-monuments of landscape gardening.

Investigation of the flora and fauna of the environment

A biologist studies living organisms and their relationship with the environment. Field experiments, expeditions and field trips are an integral part of student research in circles and in the student learning process. Unforgettable travel experiences and the spirit of adventure will be the best memories of a lifetime. Along with this, our graduates successfully work in sanitation, customs, environmental management, plant quarantine inspections, plant protection stations, state forestry, as well as teachers of biology and chemistry in schools, colleges.


Specialists have the opportunity to apply dendrological elements in green building. Graduates of the specialty can work in many spheres, ranging from phytomarkets, agricultural companies, private landscaping firms to urban development departments, phytosanitary services, agronomy, forestry and aquaculture specialists, to nature conservation.

Ecology and environmental protection

The problems of nature conservation, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem monitoring are addressed. Students carry out ecological-faunistic studies of individual groups of animals; development of management and eco-monitoring programs for national nature parks; monitoring of rare and endangered animal species; research of ecological features of natural resources and development of scientific bases of their rational use.


Biology has always been associated with medicine. Therefore, graduates can find employment in medical institutions dealing with modern research technologies, namely in the field of embryology, cytology, using modern and classic equipment.

Biologist developing new kinds of medications, treatments, diagnosis, guided by the laws of nature.

Research in various fields of plant microbiology and physiology

Graduates specialize in plant physiology and biochemistry, microbiology. This makes it possible to employ heads of laboratories in pharmaceutical factories and factories both in Ukraine and abroad; in laboratories of food enterprises; in research laboratories and institutes, medical institutions, research forensic centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and phytosanitary services; in clinical diagnostic, cytological, sanitary and epidemiological, microbiological laboratories.

Agriculture and its prospects

In today's world, not only professionals who are not only able to grow crops, but modern, creative experts in the latest technologies are needed. Modern businesses are emerging, farmers who grow fruit and vegetables, and new plantations are being planted with new world technologies that make it possible to produce high quality and liquidity quickly. In this regard, production requires not only agronomists, but also those who have a deep knowledge of biology and are able to apply them in practice to obtain high yields of crops.