26.07.2021 10897

Earth Sciences

The integration of Ukrainian education and science into the world scientific community and the introduction of European standards into the national educational process opens up new perspectives and opportunities for young people.

The modern European and world classification of sciences distinguishes a new branch for Ukraine - "Earth and Planetary science", which has been scattered between geography and geology in the domestic territories for the last 80 years. In 2017 alone, over 1,000 grants were awarded by leading US universities for Earth science research, of which about 20 were awarded to Ukrainian students.

A comprehensive view of our planet will help humanity to find a way out of a series of modern crises - environmental, demographic, resource.

Currently, only a few universities in Ukraine are training specialists in the specialty "Earth Sciences", including the Uman National University of Horticulture.

Earth Sciences is a complex of sciences that study the Earth, its natural properties, humanity and the results of its economic activity. And these are the doctrines that other planets are exploring, considering the possibility of their colonization in the future. Our great compatriot Yuriy Kondratyuk did not have time to fulfill his dream of conquering outer space, but contemporary Ilon Musk has continued his work and is already preparing an expedition to Mars for the purpose of its colonization.

There is a great future for Ukraine, as only in the Kirovograd region there are two out of three (yet undeveloped) lithium deposits in Ukraine - metal from which batteries for the most modern Tesla electric cars, laptops and smartphones will be made.

And only in Ukraine is concentrated the world's largest array of black earths - the most fertile lands, the further effective use of which can only be carried out by specialists with comprehensive training and a broad outlook.

Such professionals are trained at the Uman National University of Horticulture, where for many decades rich traditions of scientific training of ecologists, landscape and soil scientists, specialists in the field of conservation have been developed.

The following graduates work:

  • in geological and geological prospecting parties;
  • in design and research institutions;
  • in the field of environmental protection;
  • in the cartographic sphere and land management.

Upon graduation, graduates receive an international diploma that enables them to either continue their studies in the best European educational institutions or to find a prestigious job in accordance with the specialty obtained.