26.07.2021 14910

Environmental protection technologies

Engineering ecology - the science of the interaction of technical and natural complexes, which studies the areas of design and creation of resource-saving technologies, environmentally safe structures and industrial production and management, implementation of engineering-environmental solutions for the rational use of nature and environmental protection.

There is an endless amount of unused renewable energy around us. The problem is how to extract and use it? Not surprisingly, developments in this area have become very popular recently. For example, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a thermal resonator that generates electricity due to fluctuations in air temperature, and the idea of ​​the Hungarian innovators is to combine solar panels with pavement elements, such as pavement.

Ukraine remains a country with a significant man-made load on the environment. Therefore, an important national task is to protect the environment from the negative impact of this load. It is impossible to solve this problem without highly qualified specialists - environmental technologists and environmental engineers.

The specialty 183 "Environmental technologies" is closely related to the specialty 101 "Ecology", which belongs to the field of knowledge "Production and technology" and is aimed primarily at the analysis of the harmful effects of man-made environment on the environment, detection and assessment of various types of pollution, development and application of effective technologies of environmental protection, formation of ecological safety, substantiation of environmental measures.

An environmental specialist can hold the following positions:

  • Head of treatment facilities;
  • Technicians on operation of solar power installations;
  • Environmental technician;
  • Specialist in environmental management;
  • Specialist in non-traditional types of energy;
  • Energy expert for alternative and renewable energy;
  • Expert on energy conservation and energy efficiency;
  • Technical expert on industrial safety;
  • Engineer for the operation of nuclear power plant hydraulic structures;
  • Environmental engineer;
  • Environmental engineer;
  • Technogenic and environmental safety engineer;
  • Water purification engineer;
  • Waste processing engineer.