26.04.2019 22497


Masters' programmes with specializations:

  • «Law support for management of financial economical operation»;
  • «Informational support for managent of management operations»
  • «Analitical support for management of business processes of an enterprise»

Today the profession of a manager is one of the most popular, prestige and, what is very important, is in popular demand at the labour market. Modern companies feel a great demand in professional leaders (тtop-managers, directors, managers of the medium link, personnel managers, administrators etc).

A manager – is a highly-qualified personnel, who plays the role of a coordinating authority, that form and activate resources of an organization for reaching its goals.


Specialists of the following speciality are trained for: system analysis of the operation of an organization; design of the strategical directions of an organisation development and provision of their competitiveness; combinability of all types of resources, organisation of collective work for reaching the aim of an organisation; organisation of management processes, enactment of managemant decisions and their realization.

Specialist in organizational management and administration is a person, who has special management education and is responsible for the development and management decisions. The main directions of professional activity - information analytical, organizational, managerial, administrative and economic directions, and in terms of acquiring experience, he or she can adapt to such adjacent areas of professional activities as: economic, marketing, accounting and control, foreign trade, educational, research activities.



The advantages of the specialist in organizational management and administration are: a high level of salary, stable demand in the labour market and a wide range of possible vacancies.

A gradute of this profile may take such positions as: leader of an enterprise or his or her assisstant, manager in logistics, manager in personnel, manager of the sales department, leader of a manufacturing department, leader of a farming economy, manager of a commercial department, a specialist in market analysis, economic advisor etc.

A manager – is a representative of a special profession, which combine the qualities of a manager, an economist and a lawyer. 



The rating of the most demanded specialities in Ukraine for 2013 head the managers of different spheres of a national economy of the country