26.04.2019 32143

Hotel and Restaurant Business

One of the most promising specialities on a present level of economic development.

Hotel and Restaurant Business
Hotel and Restaurant Business

Specialists are trained for organizational and managerial, economical, commercial, investment and scientific research activities in the sphere of restaurant business, hotel economy and exhibition activities.

Graduates of the training direction «Hotel and Restaurant Business» take positions of: a director of a hotel, an exhibition center, a restaurant, a tourist company or a tourist complex, an administrator of the entrance service and placing in a hotel, a main administrator and a headwaiter in a restaurant, a restaurateur, a head of a small business in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business etc.

Basic higher education with the normative term of studing of four years in the direction 6.140101 «Hotel and Restaurant Business» involves the receiving of the Bachelor's Degree in hotel and restaurant business, a specialist in a hotel (restaurant) business with the general object of rendering service, connected with the business of the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant economy.

Hotel and Restaurant Business
Hotel and Restaurant Business

Professional career of a specialist in hotel and restaurant business consists of :

  • organizing activities to provide basic services in the hotel and restaurant business;
  • organizing manufacture and service in the restaurant economy institutions;
  •  organizing the process of manufacture and rendering of hotel service;
  •  organizing the rendering of business service for tourists, animational service;
  • providing the належного рівня якості продукції та послуг у закладах
  • hotel and restaurant business;
  • providing the labour protection and technic protection;
  • studing the marketing operations and the complex of marketing measures for the influence on the market and the competitive position of an enterprise in sphere of hotel and restaurant business;
  • mastering the effective legislative normative base on problems of enterprise functioning, that provides hotel and restaurant service;
  • planning and projecting the institutions of hotel and restaurant business;
  • projecting the technological process of products manufacturing in the institutions of restaurant economy and improvement of technological operations;
  • development of the short-term and medium-term plans of the functioning of enterprises of hotel and restaurant economy, planning the demand in resources (material, financial, working);
  • having practical skills in working with computers and in the sphere of informational technologies;
  • use of innovation informational technologies in work of enterprises;
  • perfect use of modern business Ukrainian and foreign languages with professional focus.

Hotel and Restaurant Business
Hotel and Restaurant Business

Professional names for those kinds of activites, that is a specialist in hotel and restaurant business can cope with:

  • a specialist in hotel service
  • a specialist in organisation of entertainment
  • a specialist in specialized service
  • a specialist in hoteling in places of distribution (hotels, tourist complexes and others)
  • a specialist in hotel business
  • a specialist in restaurant business

Hotel and Restaurant Business
Hotel and Restaurant Business

Graduates of the University of the training direction «Hotel and Restaurant Business» can work as:

  • a director (assisstant director) of a hotel or a restaurant;
  • a registering clerk;
  • a manager of a hotel or a restaurant economy;
  • a specialist in sanatorium-and-spa business;
  • a leader of an enterprise, an institution, an organisation in sphere of entertainment, culture and sport;
  • a head of the department in marketing and commerce in hotel and restaurant business;
  • an inspector of control of products quality;
  • a leader of realization and organization of consumer goods, the production of restaurant economy and service;
  • a specialist in material and technical provision (an economist in sales, a head of sales department);
  • a manager of sanatorium-and-spa economy;
  • a specialist in hoteling in places of distribution (hotels, tourist complexes and others);
  • a specialist in products and projects management;
  • a specialist-analyst in commodity market investigation;
  • a specialist in organisation of entertainment, tourist and hotel functioning;
  • a scientific worker or a lecturer in the educational institution.