26.04.2019 5617

The Employment of the graduates of the Faculty of Management

Professional Focus

Types of Activities


Training direction 6.030601 «Management»

Management of Organisation and Administration

  • system analysis of the organisation functioning;
  • the development of strategical directions in the organisation development and competitiveness provision;
  • combinability of all kinds of resources, organisation of collective work for reaching the aim of the organisation;
  • organisation of management processes, acceptance of managerial decisions and their realization;
  • participation in the organisation of scientific research, its realization and introduction of received results;
  • education of the personnel, realization of the teaching process.

- company, department, organisation leaders;

- head workers of the staff of public authorities;

- leaders of the main departments in different demesnes;

- leaders of small business without administrative apparatus;

- professionals in management of projects and programmes;

- a director-manager;

- a head administrator (at commercial enterprises);

- manager of personnel (of delivery, sales);

- a specialist in market analysis;

- a lecturer of an educational institution;

- a scientific worker;

- an advisor, consultant in economic issues.

Management of Foreign Economic Activity

  • strategic  management of the organisation during the realization of Foreign Economic Activity;
  • planning and prediction of the operation of the subject of FEA;
  • management of the quality and competitiveness of the national production in the world market;
  • realization of the commercial activity in the world market;
  • monetary and financial management of FEA;
  • education of employees in sphere of FEA, teaching managerial subjects in secondary schools.

- a leader of foreign trade and foreign economic associations;

- leaders of firms, joint enterprises, structure departments;

- an expert in foreign economic issues,

- a border inspector,

- an export inspector,

- a manager of foreign economic relations,

- an authorized agent of import,

- a specialist-analyst of goods market investigation,

- an agent of load transfer to the border station,

- a lecturer, scientific worker.


  • organisation of vehicle, manufacturing, storing, delivering logistics of enterprises and organisations
  • forwarder activity in a custom house, border service and transport and delivery enterprises
  • treatment of data and market analysis
  • planning and prediction of the functioning of logistic structures 
  • organisation of work with providers and clients of the company
  • personnel training, realization of the teaching process.

-a leader of sales and international transportation department ,

-a manager of purchase and logistics,

-a manager of organisation and cargo transportation,

- a forwarder at the custom house,

-a logist of international transportation,

 -a manager of logistics and data treatment,

-a manager of export market development,

-a logist of organisation of import delivery,

-a specialist in logistics and warehouse registration,

- a manager of purchase,

-a manager of cooperation with the provider,

-a manager-logist of the relations with clients,

-a manager of integration,

-a specialist in logistics, a manager,

-a specialist in management of transport production line,

-a manager of international and inner transportation.

Training direction 6.140103 «Тourism»


  • determination of forms, types, directions and specializations of tourist recreational activity;
  • development and economic argumentation of the tourist project or products;
  • analysis of the functioning, planning, prediction and development of promising directions of the development of tourist enterprises;
  • organisation of the development, realization and marketing of a tourist products;
  • organisation of partnerships and foreign economic activities of a tourist company.

-      a tourist agent,

-      an owner of a hotel house, a specialist in conference service,

-      a manager in tourism organisation,

-      a leader of a tourist complex,

-      an instructor of health-improving and sports tourism

-     a leader or an istructor of a tourist club,

-     an organisator of tourist activities, manager of personnel of a tourist enterprise,

-     an agent of tourism organisation,

-     a specialist in tourist service,

-     a tour guide,

-     a tourism expert.


Trainig direction 6.140101 «Hotel and Restaurant Business»

Hotel and Restaurant Business

  • organisation of activities for main types of service assignment in sphere of hotel and restaurant business;
  • organisation of manufacture and service in the departments of the restaurant economy;
  • organisation of the process of manufacturing and hotel service;
  • organisation of the animation and business service for tourists;
  • provision of the necessary level of products quality and service in the institutions of hotel and restaurant business;
  • studing the marketing and complex of marketing measures influence  on the market and competitive position of an enterprise in sphere of hotel and restaurant business;
  • mastering the effective legislative and normative base of functioning of an enterprise, that hotels and restaurants serve;
  • planning and projecting the institutions of hotel and restaurant business;
  • planning the technological process of the production in institution of the restaurant economy;
  • development of short-term and medium-term plans for hotel and restaurant institutins functioning;
  • planning the demand in resources (material, financial, working) for institutions in the service sphere;
  • application of innovation and informational technologies in the work of enterprises in the service sphere.

- an administrator of a hotel;

- a restaurateur;

- a leader of small business in hotel and restaurant business sphere;

- an administrator of the registration service and placing in a hotel;

- a headwaiter in a restaurant;

- a leader of an enterprise of public nourishment;

- a profesional in hospitality;

- an organisator of hotel and restaurant business;

- a specialist in sanatorium-and-spa business;

- a manager of a hotel and restaurant business;

- a head of a hotel or a restaurant;

- a professional in sanatorium-and-spa business;

- a manager of personnel of a hotel and restaurant or a sanatorium-and-spa institution;

- a specialist in a hotel service;

- a manager of entertainment organisation;

- a specialist in specialized service;

- a specialist in hospitality in places of distribution (hotels, tourist complexes and others);

- a lecturer of an educational institution;

- a scientific worker.