06.04.2015 1829

Mendel University in Brno - Nomination for Winter Semester 2015/2016

To start application process we need student (or international coordinator) to send us scanned copy of Application Form for Exchange Students that must be duly completed and signed by international coordinator of sending university.

It is also necessary to add following documents:

  • Motivation Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Transcript of Records
  • Copy of valid passport

After Application Form is confirmed by MENDELU coordinators, it will be sent back to student's home university together with Letter of Acceptance and Accommodation Confirmation.

Deadline for sending documents is on June 1, 2015. But we recommend to send us your application documents as soon as possible in order to arrange all necessary matters on time.                       

To download required form and to learn more information about your stay at our university (accomodation, courses in English etc.) please go to:



Students who are required to have a valid visa for their stay in the Czech Republic, please pay the attention to the following information :

To get a visa for purpose of studying at Mendel University in Brno you need to have hard copies of Letter of Acceptance and Accommodation Confirmation issued by Mendel University in Brno.  

We will prepare those documents for you and send the hard copies to your international coordinator by post. Moreover the Accommodation Confirmation has to be sent to the Czech representative office in your home country via data box - we do that automatically as soon as you are accepted to study at MENDELU. To issue the Accommodation Confirmation we need to know student’s passport number. We also need to identify the city where students will apply for visa. PLEASE FILL IN THAT INFORMATION IN YOUR APPLICATION FORM! It is necessary to apply for a visa on time – the procedure can take up to 60 days!


Sarka Braunerova

International Relations Office 

Mendel university in Brno

Zemědělská 1,  613 00 Brno, Czech Republic

Tel. +420 545 135  100, fax. +420 545 135  100
